
A huge thank you to our 2024 sponsors!

The New England Statistical Society (NESS) is a non-profit organization. We are organized and operated for educational, charitable, and scientific purposes only. Our objectives are:

  • to promote the growth and expansion of statistical science in the New England area and beyond through scholarly activities, including publishing statistical journals, organizing scientific meetings, and offering educational programs;
  • to be a leading professional society for supporting and sustaining statistics as a central pillar of data science;
  • to broaden applications of statistics in all areas of society, including industry and government;
  • to foster collaborations among statisticians from educational, research, industrial, and governmental agencies; and to promote statistical education at all levels.
  • To find out more, please visit them here.

The Connecticut Chapter of the American Statistical Association has a mission to promote the practice and profession of statistics.

  • Find out about local events by visiting them here.